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new gender laws

The New Gender Identity Laws

Scotland’s and Russia’s Opposing Gender Identity Laws In recent weeks, two seemingly complete opposite laws have been passed in two very different countries – each believe they are right and the other is wrong… Could both new gender laws be right? The Scottish Parliament, in a move that sent shockwaves through the land, has decreed …

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Could this be the future of making mini-series?

Last night I binge-watched a truly ground-breaking series – “Undone”. This movie, completely aside from the wonderful way it handles what can be quite sensitive subject matter of mental illness while combining it flawlessly with science-fiction, illustrates techniques that may become one of the new normals in television production by using 3D animation, oil painting, …

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What does it mean to “exist”?

When deciding what I am taking with me as I pack up the house, ready for my next adventures, I put my notes and research for the next ‘Quantum Lace‘ books into my ‘goes with me’ pile so I may work on them as I continue to travel the globe as a Luxurious Nomad. I …

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Reinventing my life…

I am no stranger to reinvention.  On more than one occasion, I have had challenges that have all meant a reinvention of my life, how I earn a living, how I physically show up in the world, how I travel, and how I, on a very fundamental level, even get from A to B. Recently …

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Who would you be if you could be anyone?

Yesterday evening, a conversation that suggested I had come from a privileged background prompted me to recall an experiment I conducted several years ago… Some time ago, just out of curiosity, I asked a group of students with whom I was working to see if they could correctly guess a number of things about me: …

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Is Integrity Dead?

That’s a question I found I was asking myself recently, “Is integrity dead?  Does anyone actually value keeping their word, and doing what they say they will do?” While consulting to various organisations recently, I have been coming across a surprisingly large number of truly lovely people who simply lack integrity – not just in …

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What is “abundance thinking”?

When exploring any topic – in this case abundance thinking – it is always a good idea to start with a definition or at least a framework upon which to begin one’s exploration. According to Wikipedia, in his book, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’, Stephen “Covey coined the idea of abundance mentality or abundance mindset, a concept …

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